MedLegal Safety Standards Organization works in ‘MedLegal Safety®’ and envisions a future of zero harm to patients and healthcare providers. We are committed to advancing safety in healthcare. Our expertise, founded on the judgments delivered by the courts in cases of medical negligence, provides deep insights and a clear perspective on improving safety in healthcare.

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MedLegal Safety

‘The Medical Negligence Act” - No such law is made by any legislature in the world. One will never find a comprehensive list of negligent acts in medicine. No person, association or authority has attempted to do so in the past, nor will try to do so in future. The reason is simple – more and more instances of negligence that were not known to humanity will be discovered. This is a never-ending process.

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MedLegal Accreditation Programs

MAP helps healthcare providers across all segments to develop competencies, improve performance and lead practices to minimize medical errors and improve outcomes. It identifies, measures and shares best practices in patient safety.

These programs are innovative and unique in two ways. They are designed on ‘MedLegal Safety’ and handholding and updates are continued with the same level of commitment and enthusiasm for the complete period of accreditation.

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Want To Get Accredited ?

Embark the journey to medlegal accreditation. A commitment to excellence in healthcare safety.


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