MedLegal Accreditation Programs - For Doctors

This program is designed for practising clinicians who face patients every day. It helps in making effective and lasting changes and ensures safer healthcare delivery. It also guides them in identifying and eliminating major safety failures.

The assessment for this program is online and in self-assessment mode.

The MAP Pathway

The journey of a healthcare provider in MAP can be broadly divided into three phases:

Learn – Phase 1

The first stage of the accreditation process is learning by self-study. The standards, as well as the learning content, are shared. It enables familiarisation with the standards and the rationale behind them. The real-life court cases that are shared provide the correct perspective and help in correlating and understanding correctly.


Assess – Phase 2

The assessment could be online, physical or hybrid. It could be self-assessment or external review by MSSO Assessors. Upon completion of every assessment, we provide an objective assessment of patient safety. The ones who conform to the standards are accredited and Certificate of Accreditations is given.

team management

Update – Phase 3

The MAP journey does not end with an accreditation certificate but, in fact, starts with it. Regular weekly updates are provided go ensure continuous improvement and sustain continued compliance with quality and patient safety standards.


What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a formal independent evaluation against a recognized standard. It is the external recognition of an entities adherence to a set of standards to perform an activity or hold a certain status.

Does Accreditation matter?
  •  Achieving accreditation equips you with the knowledge you need to implement proven best practices and reduce the possibility of medical errors.
  •  Successful accreditation is a signal to patients that you have undergone a rigorous performance assessment in patient safety.
  •  Increases patient confidence in you / your services
  •  Provides you marketing advantage in the competitive healthcare industry
  •  Provides you recognition as outstanding/exceptional
What is the period of validity of accreditation?

The current accreditation is valid for 1 year.

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