MedLegal Accreditation Programs (MAP)

MAP helps healthcare providers across all segments to develop competencies, improve performance and lead practices to minimize medical errors and improve outcomes. It identifies, measures and shares best practices in patient safety.

These programs are innovative and unique in two ways. They are designed on ‘MedLegal Safety’ and handholding and updates are continued with the same level of commitment and enthusiasm for the complete period of accreditation.

Accreditation under MAP can be earned by different types of healthcare providers, such as doctors, hospitals and nurses.

Healthcare providers who meet our standards in MedLegal safety proudly display the Accreditation Certificate as a sign of their distinctive accomplishment.

The MAP Pathway

The journey of a healthcare provider in MAP can be broadly divided into three phases:

Learn – Phase 1

The first stage of the accreditation process is learning by self-study. The standards, as well as the learning content, are shared. It enables familiarisation with the standards and the rationale behind them. The real-life court cases that are shared provide the correct perspective and help in correlating and understanding correctly.


Assess – Phase 2

The assessment could be online, physical or hybrid. It could be self-assessment or external review by MSSO Assessors. Upon completion of every assessment, we provide an objective assessment of patient safety. The ones who conform to the standards are accredited and Certificate of Accreditations is given.

team management

Update – Phase 3

The MAP journey does not end with an accreditation certificate but, in fact, starts with it. Regular weekly updates are provided go ensure continuous improvement and sustain continued compliance with quality and patient safety standards.


How is MAP different from other accreditations for healthcare providers?

MAP is not limited to a single action of getting accreditation or getting prepared for accreditation. It is a learning experience, continuous updating with the avowed purpose of being medically correct and legally safe.

What is the structure of MAP?

The program follows a structured approach that includes three phases: Learn, Assess, and Update. The ‘Learn’ phase involves self-study, the ‘Assess’ phase involves an assessment, and the ‘Update’ phase involves regular updates to ensure continuous improvement and sustained compliance with quality and patient safety standards.

What are the benefits of MAP?

It helps clinicians enhance their skills, improve patient safety, and reduce the risks to patients and doctors. It demonstrates a doctors commitment to quality care and patient safety.

What happens after receiving the Certificate of Accreditation?

MAP journey doesn’t end with the accreditation certificate; in fact, it begins with it. Regular weekly updates are provided to ensure continuous improvement and sustained compliance with quality and patient safety standards.

What is the period of validity of accreditation under MAP?

The current accreditation is valid for 1 year.

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