MedLegal Safety

‘The Medical Negligence Act” - No such law is made by any legislature in the world. One will never find a comprehensive list of negligent acts in medicine. No person, association or authority has attempted to do so in the past, nor will try to do so in future. The reason is simple – more and more instances of negligence that were not known to humanity will be discovered. This is a never-ending process.

We don’t stop at identifying errors but go a step further. A group of doctors and lawyers works on them and suggests the medically and legally correct way, the ‘best practices’, to avoid and minimize their occurrence and impact. This is ‘MedLegal Safety’—an approach to keeping healthcare safer and minimizing medical errors.

We partner with doctors, hospitals, legal professionals and academia in our endeavour to minimize medical errors and promote safety in healthcare.

We believe that healthcare safety encompasses doctors’ and patients’ safety, medical safety and legal safety. Showing the path that is legally as well as medically correct incentivizes doctors and patients to follow it.

We work only in medical negligence, not medical malpractice. Negligence is always unintentional, and moral culpability is completely absent. It is so very human.

Law punishes a healthcare provider primarily to ensure and enhance patients’ safety. We go a step further. ‘MedLegal Safety’ envisions and works towards zero harm in healthcare by suggesting pragmatic and ethical ways of minimizing medical errors from real cases of medical negligence decided by courts.

We have worked on ‘MedLegal Safety’ in India for 18 years. We publish journals and books, conduct courses and CMLEs (Continuing MedLegal Education), provide advisory services, and conduct research on policy and regulatory affairs. Our work has been widely appreciated and acknowledged by doctors, hospitals, and even by patient groups, lawmakers and regulators.

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