Anaesthetic reaction numbs this hospital’s claim

May 07, 2020

Hospitals must be properly equipped and prepared to manage known complications of anaesthesia. A hospital and its doctor were not in this unfortunate case which lead to patient’s death!

Pushplata’s elbow was badly injured as she fell down at her house while tending to daily chores. She was taken to hospital where the orthopaedic surgeon, who was also owner of the hospital, administered anaesthesia and performed a surgery.

The patient developed hypoxemia, respiratory and heart complications which could not be managed at the hospital. She was rushed to a higher centre where she eventually succumbed to the complications.

Pushplata’s husband sued the doctor and alleged that he and the hospital were ill-equipped to manage any complications arising due to anaesthesia.

The doctor probably stated that hypoxemia was a known complication of anaesthesia and hence, he should not be held negligent.

Exactly! If you knew that complications may arise, why were you not prepared to manage them? The honourable justices of the Commission may have thought as they held the doctor and his hospital negligent.

The Commission inferred that the complications arose due to some reaction to anaesthesia as orthopaedic surgery does not directly result in such outcome. Absence of an anaesthetist also proved that the hospital was not prepared to manage such complications.

The doctor and his hospital were fined a sum of seven lac rupees!

Source: Order pronounced by Haryana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 24th January, 2020.

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