Wrong treatment burns a hole in the pocket

March 25, 2021

A young girl sustained burn injuries on her right hand and was rushed to the hospital by her father. She remained admitted for two days during which the condition of her hand worsened – the burnt part of the hand started turning black.

Worried about the state of his daughter, the father took her to two other hospitals. Unfortunately, septicemia developed to an extent that her two fingers had to be amputated at the third hospital.

The first hospital was sued by patient’s father. It was alleged that the doctor, when informed about blackening of patient’s hand opined that it was a sign of recovery! It was further alleged that the doctor was not a burns specialist and treated the patient negligently.

The doctor and first hospital were defiant. It was stated that best possible treatment was provided to the patient and amputation was perhaps a result of plastic surgery performed at other hospital.

The Commission perused medical records and rejected claims made by the hospital and doctor. It was observed that the patient’s condition was not assessed properly and correct treatment for burn injuries was not provided which lead to septicemia and amputation of fingers.

Both, the doctor and hospital, were held negligent and ordered to pay compensation.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, on 28th August, 2020.

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