Family demands CCTV footage, court shows them the door

September 30, 2021

Patients and attendants are becoming increasingly demanding. While some of their demands may be met in order to pacify the issues, bowing down to every whim and fancy is not possible and should be avoided.

The patient was taken to hospital with complains of severe back pain and breathlessness. A general physician at the casualty ward administered an injection. The patient subsequently developed myocardial infraction and Code Blue was announced immediately. Despite best efforts the doctors could not revive the patient.

The family sued the hospital and its doctors. They vehemently argued their case. It was alleged that the doctors wasted precious time in shifting the patient to ICU, administering oxygen and calling a cardiologist. They made several other allegations such as not attending to patient properly, not providing proper treatment, etc. But their conclusive allegation was unique in a sense – it was alleged that the hospital did not share ICU’s CCTV footage to prove that patient was given proper care!

The Commission perused complete medical records and observed that patient’s attendants had concealed some crucial facts. The patient was an alcoholic, tobacco addict and had a long history of diabetes. It was further observed that the resident cardiologist attended the patient immediately once Code Blue was announced and a senior cardiologist also arrived quickly.

The Commission also took cognizance of the fact that the CCTV installed in ICU did not have storage capability, and hence the hospital could not provide its recording.

The complaint and case against hospital was dismissed.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, on 24th March, 2021.


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