Sheer madness!

May 20, 2020

Chandrakanta, the patient, had sued Dr. Nirmala claiming that she had approached her for tubular recanalization procedure to conceive again. The doctor performed the said procedure at her private nursing home but even after months, she could not conceive. Only assurances and medicines were given, albeit without any result, alleged the patient.

The blame game continued as Chandrakanta further claimed that another gynaecologist opined that tubular recanalization was not performed at all.

Dr. Nirmala was perplexed by the allegations and presented her side of the story. It was stated that she was a government doctor and did not run a private clinic. She further stated that the patient consulted her for weakness and mild psychological problems. Never was a tubular recanalization procedure performed, concluded the doctor and presented medical records to substantiate her defence.

The Commission relied on the records and observed that the patient was advised investigations for thyroid, TB, etc. This is a unique case, although without merits, observed the Commission as the patient only presented allegations and not proof to substantiate them. Nowhere in the records there was a mention of tubular recanalization procedure.

The medicines and tests advised by doctor clearly revealed that they were for some mild ailments and psychological problems only. Obviously, Chandrakanta’s bizarre complain was dismissed.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi on 18th March, 2020.

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