Under warranty bridge falls – So does the doc’s reputation

July 27, 2018

Any product or service under warranty has to be catered to accordingly. Recently a doctor found himself on the wrong side of law for not doing so.

Dr. Singh had implanted crown and bridge which had a warranty for five years. However, the same came off two years later. Dr. Singh refused to replace it when the patient approached and this small matter took a big turn.

The patient approached State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Chandigarh to plead his case. Interestingly. Dr. Singh remained adamant as he presented his defence. It was stated that the warranty was given by the company which made the bridge and crown, and not by the doctor himself. It was further stated that the bridge had come off two months before patient approached the doctor. Moreover, fixing the old bridge was not possible due to space closure and the patient was advised for a replacement. Why should I pay for replacing in such a case, questioned Dr. Singh.

Because the product is under warranty, replied the Commission, as it stated the following: “Notwithstanding any cause advertent or inadvertent on part of the patient, Dr. Singh was duty bound to stand to the terms & conditions as laid down in the warranty regarding bridge used by him. Refusal on his part to not replace the bridge within warranty is not justified.”

Eventually, Dr. Singh had to refund the amount taken for implanting the bridge and crown.

Source: Order pronounced by State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Chandigarh on 10th May, 2018.

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