Radiologist in double trouble for failing to report twins

August 13, 2018

The role of radiologists / sonologists is very critical as their findings help doctors in better choosing the line of treatment. In some cases when the report is wrong, consequences of such reporting is borne by all – patient, radiologist and sometimes even the doctor.

Anchal was pregnant and she approached Dr. Dixit for a level-II ultrasound (USG) as per her gynaecologist’s advice. The USG reported a healthy single foetus and Anchal’s gynaecologist prescribed medicines accordingly. However, her condition started deteriorating and she approached another diagnostic center for USG, which surprisingly reported two foetus. Soon after, Anchal delivered twin baby girls with serious health conditions.

Anchal approached State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Uttarkhand and alleged Dr. Dixit for wrong USG reporting.

Dr. Dixit simply stated that it is sometimes difficult to see two babies in the womb and she reported what the USG showed. I was not negligent, claimed the doctor.

The Commission, however, had a different point of view. It was observed that the gynaecologist prescribed medicines as per the USG report which caused deterioration of patient’s health. Citing Supreme Court’s order, it was further observed that wrong diagnosis of foetus is negligence. Dr. Dixit was indeed negligent in properly diagnosing and reporting. She was ordered to compensate the patient about a lakh rupees.

Source: Order pronounced by State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Uttarkhand on 5th July, 2018

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