Gory goes for glory, fails miserably

January 27, 2022

In a strange turn of events, husband out-of-terms with his patient-wife created quite a ruckus in the lives of doctors and hospitals recently. This bizarre incident is probably not the first one faced by healthcare providers.

The patient, a known diabetic, was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and advanced stage hydronephrosis. She was admitted at two other hospitals before being referred to this higher center. A team of super-specialist doctors were assigned to provide care and treatment for this incurable ailment. Unfortunately, their efforts didn’t bear any fruits.

The patient was taken to the fourth hospital, another super-specialty center, where she spent her last days.

By some divine intervention or perhaps with an ulterior motive, the husband sprang to action and blamed the third and fourth hospitals, and its team of doctors for his wife’s death. He made allegations by the dozens. And some more. Evidently, they were all irrelevant.

The hospital authorities and doctors presented voluminous medical records to make their case – that patient was provided with utmost care and best possible treatment. The crucial piece of evidence however, were not in medical records.

The patient had executed a will that specifically excluded her husband from all property and responsibilities. The doctors also stated that husband did not come to attend the patient even once during her entire course of treatment.

While the Commission did not comment on the personal equation between husband and wife, it could perhaps sense the husband’s motive – which was evident from his complaint.

It was observed that he had not made any specific allegation against any doctor or hospital, but vaguely blamed everybody. His main contention was improper DJ stenting by the third hospital.

But this allegation too did not stand on solid ground as the fourth hospital had performed the same procedure.

The case against hospitals and doctors was obviously dismissed. It is an unfortunate incident though – a person’s death was leveraged to usurp money!

Source: Order pronounced by Karnataka State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 19th August, 2021.


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