Angry old man, villain of this story

July 08, 2021

A senior citizen patient went on a verbal rampage against the hospital and its doctor-owner because he did not receive desired treatment result.

The septuagenarian was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis affecting the lower abdominal wall. The doctor admitted him and excised the abscess. Considering the patient’s advanced age and also that hospital was close to his residence, the doctor arranged a ward boy for daily dressings.

Unfortunately, the patient’s condition worsened and was taken to a higher centre. Thankfully, he was relieved of his sufferings there. But it was doctor’s turn to face his fury and anguish.

The angry old man dragged the doctor to court and alleged him of being a ‘professionally qualified quack’. Why else did his condition worsen if he wasn’t one, was the irate man’s only submission.

His rantings, of course, were quickly dismissed by the Commission as it was observed that the patient was a known diabetic, senior in age and the procedure performed by doctor was backed by medical literature and protocols.

Source: Order pronounced by Maharashtra State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 4th October, 2019.

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