Greedy patient sues the doctor for saving his life!

October 27, 2016

Robinson was admitted to SP Fort hospital due to a non-healing ulcer at the amputation site of right big toe.

The infection aggravated into septicaemia resulting in complications like diabetic nephropathy, acute renal failure with lower respiratory tract infection. All these complications caused increase in his creatinine level. Dr. Nair, the consulting nephrologist at the hospital was called to examine the patient, and in view of patient’s increasing creatinine level advised him to get admitted to India Hospital Trust for better management, where he was treated for a month.

Surprisingly, Robinson approached the Kerala Sate Commission and alleged that the doctors at SP Fort hospital failed to give him proper treatment despite knowing well that his creatinine level had alarming increased. Because of this sheer negligence he had to incur further expenses for taking treatment at India Trust Hospital, implored Robinson and demanded compensation from the hospital.

Thankfully for SP Fort hospital, patient’s allegations and his greed were found to be without any merit by the State Commission. The patient was clearly told that he was shifted to India Trust Hospital simply because there was an urgent need for dialysis for which the SP Fort hospital was not equipped. Even Dr. Nair, the neutral party in the case, deposed that the patient would have most likely died if there was any delay in shifting him to India Trust Hospital. Luckily for Robinson, that certainty was well avoided.

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