Diabetic patient makes the doctor’s experience a bitter one

March 21, 2016

Mr. Sharna, a chronic diabetic, suffered perianal abscess and was admitted to Serampore Surgical Nursing Home under the care of Dr. Roy. Incision and Drainage (I&D) for removal of abscess was performed, but that did not help the patient. He developed metabolic acidosis and had to be transferred to Apollo Gleneagles the same evening where two more surgeries were performed. Mr. Sharma was discharged after 15 days, but he was bed-ridden with a permanent catheter.

Unable to accept his fate and medical condition, the patient approached the Kolkata State Commission seeking compensation from Dr. Roy for wrongly performing the surgery.

Dr. Roy’s reply was as brief as the allegation, but unlike the allegation, it was evidence-based. It was stated that the abscess was the cause of high blood sugar and pain. The only treatment was to remove the abscess by I&D. However, after I&D, the patient’s health worsened and hence was shifted to Apollo Gleneagles for better treatment, the doctor concluded.

The State Commission, relying on the medical records, saw this as an open and shut case. It was observed from the evidence presented that Dr. Roy diligently performed the I&D but despite every precaution, the patient developed complications and had to be shifted to Apollo Gleneagles for better management. It was also observed from Apollo Gleneagles’ discharge summary that the patient was a known diabetic and there was spreading of cellulitis due to perianal abscess, which subsequently led to Fournier’s Gangrene.

The doctor was declared innocent, and patient’s sugar problem the real devil!

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi on 12th January, 2015

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