Patient fakes the case, law takes his case

May 24, 2017

Abhijit, suffering from Multiple Vessel Coronary Artery Disease thought that he could change the heart of State Commission – West Bengal while pleading for compensation from the hospital that treated him, even though he knowingly suppressed some critical facts. Obviously, the Commission saw through his gimmick and delivered a just ruling.

Sealdah ESI Hospital began treating Abhijit for Multiple Vessel Coronary Artery Disease as soon as they diagnosed it. He regularly visited the hospital for treatment but in between discontinued it for two-three days and consulted Peerless Hospital, a private hospital. In fact, Abhijit was admitted at Peerless Hospital for two days and soon realized that he could not afford costs of a private hospital. He went back to Sealdah ESI Hospital and continued the treatment but was not satisfied with the treatment. Or so he submitted before the Commission.

He alleged that despite continuing the treatment and heeding to Sealdah ESI Hospital’s advice, there was very little improvement in his condition and hence decided to consult a private hospital. But he did not divulge into the fact that he was admitted at Peerless Hospital – something that was spotted immediately by the Commission in medical records. The Commission also noted that in his complaint, Abhijit neither alleged deterioration of his health nor that he was bedridden while he was admitted at Peerless Hospital.

The Commission dismissed Abhijit’s appeal; it however seemed more like Abhijit being dismissed from their presence.

Source:Order pronounced by West Bengal State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 30th March, 2017.

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