Choices have consequences

June 17, 2021

The patient underwent sterilization procedure which was performed by the gynaecologist. To her utter surprise, she was reported pregnant after about seven months.

The gynaecologist was sued by the irate patient who claimed that the doctor gave assurances that it was a permanent sterilization procedure and she would not conceive in future.

The gynaecologist, of course, denied the allegations and presented medical records in her defence.

The Commission observed that the patient was clearly explained about sterilization procedure, and in any case, tubal litigation was not a guaranteed procedure. The gynaecologist had not made any promises as claimed by the patient. The Commission further observed that the patient was counselled to opt for MTP, but decided otherwise.

The Commission concluded that the patient has to ‘bear the consequences’ of her choice, and dismissed her case against gynaecologist.

Source: Order pronounced by Gujarat State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 24th March, 2021.

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