Right verdict against wrong reporting

March 01, 2020

A diagnostic centre recently lost its goodwill and money due to wrong reporting. However, the patient almost lost a lot more than that.

Urmila suffered from some vaginal ailment and approached a doctor who advised examination of peritoneal fluid for cytology. The diagnostic centre reported cancer.

The thought of cancer can sink strongest of hearts, especially a person like Urmila who belonged to a family of meagre means. She visited a hospital, showed the report to a doctor who initiated treatment for cancer. The patient also underwent a few sessions of chemotherapy.

There was no sign of improvement in her condition despite six months of treatment. Concerned about her future, Urmila visited another hospital where, to her sheer disbelief, another examination was performed which did not report any cancerous growth or malignancy!

The diagnostic centre was of course sued and held negligent. There were no rival contentions from the diagnostic centre, probably as a face saving measure for the serious lapse in reporting.

Source: Order pronounced by West Bengal State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 24th October, 2019.

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