‘Tube’light at the end of tunnel

July 09, 2020

Yet another hospital was recently sued and blamed for a patient’s death. The family had alleged that Ryle’s tube was forcibly inserted by an unskilled nurse which led to patient’s demise!

The unfounded allegation was quickly dismissed as the Commission observed that the patient was suffering from hydatid disease of liver with sepsis and multi organ dysfunction syndrome along with acute respiratory disease syndrome.

The Commission further observed that under such condition, it was necessary to aspirate gastric contents through Ryle’s tube. The Ryle’s tube was properly inserted and there wasn’t any perforation of oesophagus.

Such baseless cases not only burden the courts but also does a great disservice to the healthcare profession.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi on 7th February, 2020.

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