Hospital ordered to shed over INR 1 lac for a lose-lose weight-loss treatment

November 15, 2016

Inspired by a weight-loss through Cryotherapy advertisement, Neha approached Micro Care Hospital to reduce her body weight. However, feeling disillusioned by the treatment, she opted out of it during the third week itself. But that’s not all she did. She approached the Telangana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, alleging that the hospital, during the treatment, exposed her to very high temperatures due to which she fell ill. She also alleged that the hospital did not care to provide a follow-up treatment, instead the doctors and the other hospital staff behaved rudely with her.

It seemed that tit for tat was at play. The hospital authorities in their defense pointed out that the patient did not mention about her weight in the complaint, but simply blamed the hospital for exposing her to high temperatures, which was incorrect in the first place. Contrary to the allegations, the patient didn’t maintain a balanced diet and did not complete the treatment as advised, claimed the hospital.

The Commission has seen it all before. Claims, counter-claims, madness and a lose-lose situation for everyone. The Commission observed that the hospital did not produce any documentary evidence or an expert’s opinion to refute the patient’s claims. What’s more is that the patient was not explained the line of treatment, its consequences and risk factors, and even more surprisingly the patient did not bother to ask the same! But that did not absolve the hospital from its negligence.

Neha got her justice but only half the compensation demanded. Perhaps for doing only half of what an informed patient is supposed to.

Source: Order pronounced by Telangana State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 14th October, 2016

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