Hospital & docs almost suffer transplantation blues

September 15, 2021

The patient suffered from chronic liver disease (CLD) and was taken to hospital with complains of yellowish discolouration of eyes, nausea, vomiting and mild pain in abdomen since two months. The doctors advised and performed liver transplantation, but patient’s condition worsened after the procedure.

About a fortnight later, exploratory laparotomy was performed, however CLD had taken its toll. The patient died after three days.

His visibly upset and angry wife sued the hospital and doctors to vent her frustration and loss. It was alleged that the doctors hurriedly performed second surgery when they realised that there was continuous bleeding from active bleeders which were not closed during transplantation. She also alleged that second surgery caused the onset of fungal sepsis which eventually led to patient’s death.

The Commission went through hospital’s defence and medical records. It was observed that the patient was treated earlier at another hospital for liver cirrhosis and acute chronic renal failure. This established that patient had severe liver complications. It was further observed that fungal infections were known to be opportunistic infections in such patients. The anti-rejection treatment given to such patients affects their immunity and they are vulnerable to fungal infections.

The hospital and its doctors were not held negligent and the case against them was dismissed.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 1st June, 2021.

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