Post-operative complications complicates doctor’s life

January 14, 2021

The patient underwent hysterectomy and was discharged the same day. A day later, she was taken to the hospital due to swelling and numbness in her left leg. She was referred to another hospital where she was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and septicaemia.

She was referred to another higher center where she was diagnosed with post-hysterectomy DVT with septicaemia shock and multi-organ failure. Unfortunately, the patient died within couple of days.

The doctor who had performed hysterectomy was sued by patient’s family. It was alleged that he did not perform necessary tests to rule out complications such as DVT and septicaemia. The doctor, in defence, stated that the patient was treated in accordance with established protocols and there was no connection between hysterectomy and DVT.

The Commission carefully went through every hospitals’ medical records and observed that the patient was attended immediately by the doctor when she was taken after hysterectomy. He administered higher antibiotics, but when the situation could not be controlled, the patient was referred to a higher center without wasting any time.

The Commission ruled in favour of the doctor observing that post-hysterectomy the patient was discharged in a stable condition and that pulmonary embolism and DVT complicated patient’s condition.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 5th October, 2020.

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