Frivolous complain fails miserably

January 07, 2020

This is an interesting case which perhaps represents reasons for frivolous litigations based on patients’ whims and fancies.

A general physician had diagnosed his patient with amebiasis and prescribed medicines. After about a fortnight, the patient developed skin rashes. The doctor referred him to a dermatologist who prescribed other medicines which cured skin rashes.

Clearly unhappy for reasons known best to him, the patient sued the general physician and made most ridiculous of claims. It was alleged that the doctor prescribed medicines that were available only at a chemist store nearby his clinic. Surely, there must be some arrangement between them, blurted the patient.

The general physician may have been taken aback, but was confident as he had not committed any wrong. It was stated that the medicines prescribed were amoxicillin, paracetamol and cough syrup – all of which were commonly available at any chemist store. The patient developed an allergic reaction due to the medicines and was promptly referred to a dermatologist, concluded the doctor.

The Commission was also perhaps unimpressed by patient’s allegations. It was observed that the patient, on one pretext or the other, did not produce the doctor’s prescription to substantiate his claim. It was further observed that the doctor followed the correct protocol of referring him to a dermatologist as his condition was beyond his expertise. The patient’s complain was quickly dismissed.

Source: Order pronounced by Andhra Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, on 8th September, 2020.

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