Stabilize first, transfer later

April 21, 2022

 A teenager was hit by a moving train while crossing railway tracks. He was rushed to the hospital where a team of doctors immediately provided first aid and emergency treatment. He was shifted to casualty ICU, but the injuries were grievous. The young man unfortunately died after few hours.

His family was obviously devastated. Regrettably, the hospital and its doctors were sued for their loss.

It was alleged that the doctors did not ‘carefully’ attend to fatal head injuries and did not bother to consult a neurosurgeon. It was also alleged that their young departed son was not referred to the higher centre for better management.

The Commission rejected family’s pleas as it was observed that the patient was under the able care of an orthopaedic, a surgeon and an anaesthetist. These doctors performed relevant investigations and were constantly monitoring patient’s vitals.

The case against hospital and doctors was dismissed.

Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 13th December, 2021.

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