Stranger than fiction!

September 24, 2020

In a strange turn of events, the patient alleged doctor of negligently administering an injection on her arm in the month of October which caused radial nerve injury. The strange part is, the patient was under the doctor’s care between months of May and September, after which she was referred to a hospital for better treatment.

The Commission perused medical records and straight away dismissed her claims. It was observed that the lady was an arthritis patient and only one injection was administered by the doctor while she was under his care. The doctor only prescribed medicines twice subsequently.

More importantly, the medical records revealed that patient did not visit the doctor immediately after her supposed suffering. In fact, she visited the referred hospital only after seventy long days! Hence, the Commission observed that it was difficult to ascertain about the nature of any injury caused to her in the intervening period of seventy days.

Moreover, the injury was curable and its chance of recovery was at par with any other injury, concluded the Commission.

Why then, did the patient wasted everyone’s time and efforts, including her own, remains shrouded in mystery!

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi on 22nd June, 2020.

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