Another false claim bites the dust

March 18, 2019

Rupesh had met with an accident. Perhaps he lost some of the senses during it too. Why? Because he dragged the Ayushman Neuro Cardio Centre – the hospital where he was admitted after the accident for no apparent reason.

Two surgeries were performed at the hospital once Rupesh was diagnosed with fracture at two places in his legs. Unfortunately, he didn’t get relief after the operation and went to another center where an x-ray showed nonunion of bones and was advised another operation.

The second operation alleviated his pain but it perhaps skewed his mind in some way as he approached Madhya Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Bhopal alleging negligence by the hospital which necessitated second operation.

The Commission had medical records to make the following statements: “Athough the patient produced x-ray plate from the hospital but did not produce any x-ray report. After considering the discharge card, it is observed that because of non-union of tibia the patient was admitted. Bone grafting nail was done, and though the patient was admitted in other hospital, he failed to produce any evidence or the expert’s opinion to establish that there was failure in the first operation. Mere admission in another hospital itself cannot be a ground to presume or hold that the earlier operation was performed negligently or that the hospital had deliberately or negligently did not perform the operation properly”.

The hospital was absolved of any negligence, of course, but did that bring the patient to his senses? Hard to tell!

Source: Order pronounced by Madhya Pradesh State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Bhopal on 7th January, 2019.

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