Patient loses job due to negligence of nursing staff

April 13, 2016

Sonali, a working woman, was operated upon by Dr. Roy for ischio rectal abscess at his nursing home. She started feeling cold after the operation and therefore the attending nurse gave her a blanket and placed a hot water bag under her feet.

However, in sometime the nurse noticed a big blister under the patient’s feet and change in skin colour, a clear indication of burn injury. R.M.O. was called who advised an ointment and placing blocks of ice under the patient’s feet. The patient took discharge from Dr. Roy’s nursing home and began taking treatment from Dr. Saha. The treatment continued for five months during which Sonali was bedridden. She could not attend her office and unfortunately lost her job.

The patient approached West Bengal State Commission accusing Dr. Roy of carelessly going about his job. She alleged that the hot water bag was not removed on time because of which she sustained burn injuries on her feet. Moreover, the nurse without even looking at her feet, simply said that it was effect of anaesthesia. I lost my job, and as a working woman it’s a big setback for me and my family; the doctor must be punished and ought to compensate for my loss, beseeched Sonali in front of the State Commission.

Her pleas did not go unheard. From the medical records it was observed that the patient sustained burn injuries while she was admitted at Dr. Roy’s nursing home, because of sheer negligence on part of the nursing staff. The patient suffered for five months and lost her job, concluded the State Commission, holding Dr. Roy guilty of medical negligence. The doctor was ordered to pay two-and-half lacs as compensation to the patient.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi on 20th January, 2016

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