You can call a Rose by any name, but not the patient

November 25, 2021

A worrying trend is beginning to emerge. Doctors and hospitals are erring in a number of instances while following non-treatment related protocols such as taking proper consent, writing correct names, etc. These administrative lapses do not help their cause in a court of law, as is established in this case.

The doctor was consulted by patient with complains of skin rashes and itching sensation. Surprisingly, the doctor, without conducting advanced tests, prescribed heavy and regular doses of Methotrexate (MTx). The side effects flared immediately in form of Tinea corporis with scabies all over her body!

The patient was admitted in a super-specialty hospital where she eventually recovered, but not before going through a hellish experience.

This matter reached the Consumer Commission, but the doctor did not. He did not appear to defend himself. The Commission was probably unimpressed as it stated the following after going through the medical records:

“Patient’s case history clearly reflects that Tinea corporis developed on whole body following excessive steroid intake and for that reason she had to suffer with extensive lesions all over body for six months along with dry silver scale lesions on the lower lump with associated itching. There was pain all over body with generalized weakness. There was rise in temperature particularly in the evenings due to long intake of MTx thrice a day for three months. The doctor’s negligence is well established beyond any doubt”.

“Moreover, in some documents patient’s name is mentioned as Amina Khatun and some documents its mentioned Samima Khatun. She has registered this complaint with her signature as Samima Khatun. So, it is a gross mistake on part of the doctor for noting patient’s incorrect name in medical papers”.

The doctor was held negligent and ordered to pay compensation to the patient.

Source: Order pronounced by West Bengal State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 8th October, 2021.


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