Court tunes out radiologist’s claims

March 06, 2018

Recently, a radiologist was held negligent by the court and was slapped a fine of two lakh rupees for his apparent mistake.

A pregnant patient had approached the radiologist for getting a USG test who reported ‘single intrauterine live foetus of 26 weeks’. However, the patient delivered dead conjoined twins and approached the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, West Bengal alleging the radiologist for false reporting.

The radiologist did his best to defend himself. It was stated that detecting conjoined twins was not possible at times when one baby is completely shaded by another. He further stated that neither the patient nor the gynaecologist opted for a USG second time to confirm the foetus’ position which could have revealed the existence of conjoined twins. The patient did not even present an expert opinion, concluded the radiologist

The Commission was all ears but it seemed that the verdict was clear. All defences of radiologist were quashed as the Commission stated the following: “It is substantiated by the fact of delivery of conjoined twins that at the time of USG report conjoined twins existed because within three months from the date of the USG report the conjoined twins cannot grow”.

Source: Order pronounced by State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, West Bengal on 22nd February, 2018.

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