Court finds force in patient’s allegations - Orders Ayurvedic doc to compensate

July 03, 2018

Cases of medical negligence are not unique only to allopathy. Today’s digital savvy patients are suing even Ayurvedic doctors for negligence, as this case demonstrates.

Tamal had approached Dr. Bhattacharya with complain of pain in knees, hips and right foot. The doctor diagnosed Ank-Spondylitis and prescribed medicines. However, the patient did not get any relief and visited the doctor again several times but to no avail.

Tamal decided that enough was enough. Being fed up of visiting the doctor so many times and not getting desired result, he approached State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, West Bengal and alleged negligence on part of Dr. Bhattacharya.

It was alleged that the doctor kept on prescribing medicines despite the patient not responding to the line of treatment. It was further alleged that the doctor prescribed medicines without noting any clinical symptoms or without making any diagnosis. Moreover, the doctor didn’t even refer him to a higher center or a specialist even as his condition showed no improvement. These facts tantamount to medical negligence, concluded Tamal.

Dr. Bhattacharya stated that the patient was treated as per Ayurvedic treatment protocol and he didn’t present any expert opinion to prove his claims. Mere allegations don’t prove negligence, concluded the doctor.

Having carefully studied medical records, the Commission found force in the patient’s argument and held Dr Bhattacharya guilty of negligence. The doctor was ordered to pay one lakh rupees to the patient.

Source: Order pronounced by State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, West Bengal on 11th April, 2018.

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