Court saves doc from angry husband’s fury

November 11, 2021

A pregnant patient, under antenatal care of the hospital, was admitted in advanced stage of labour. The doctor performed C-section and a healthy baby girl was delivered. The patient’s condition, however, deteriorated soon thereafter.

She suddenly developed hypotension once the uterus was closed. Without wasting any time, the doctors provided emergency treatment and referred her to a higher centre. The new mother however was brought back to the hospital as her vitals dropped dangerously below acceptable levels while she was being rushed in an ambulance. Despite sincere efforts, she could not be saved.

Her husband, understandably upset, sued the hospital and alleged that his beloved died due to spinal shock as a result of administration of excessive anaesthesia and excessive bleeding which the doctor failed to control. She should have been referred to higher centre at the time of admission itself, implored the heartbroken husband.

The Commission perhaps could understand his pain, but observed that the allegations were misplaced, as the patient was brought to hospital in an advanced stage of labour and there was acute foetal distress.

The doctor had to perform emergency C-section in order to save the life of mother and child, concluded the Commission and ruled in favour of hospital.

Source: Order pronounced by National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on 23rd July, 2021.


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