Injury to patient during MRI scan burns a hole in radiologist’s pocket

April 19, 2019

Recently, the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Telangana held Vijaya Diagnostic Centre guilty of negligence while performing an MRI scan and ordered them to compensate the patient.

The reason for this order was the burn injuries on patient’s throat and chest while MRI scan was being performed.

In defence, the diagnostic centre had stated that the scan was performed after taking due precautions. It was further stated that they had the latest equipment and even an engineer’s certificate to prove that the equipment was fully functional was submitted. It was finally stated that the patient was given first aid immediately and the injury was not as serious as it was claimed.

The Commission did not accept any submission made by the diagnostic centre and ordered a compensation of ten thousand rupees to be paid to the patient.

Source: Order pronounced by State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, Telangana on 15th November, 2018

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