Patient’s toothache causes dentist a headache

August 10, 2017

A benign toothache caused quite a stir in the life of a dentist and a patient recently. Rezia had approached Dr. Premkumar as she had a painful toothache. The doctor referred her to Dr. Awasthy who prescribed her medicine for the pain. Unfortunately the pain did not subside and when she visited him again, she was diagnosed with space infection. Accordingly the dentist advised her to get Taxim injections administered by her GP.

For some reason, the patient did not do as told and visited another doctor who treated her ailment. This was reason enough for her to drag Dr. Awasthy and Dr. Premkumar to the StateDisputes Consumer Redressal Commission, Kerala. She alleged that Dr. Premkumar cajoled her to take treatment from Dr. Awathy who prescribed wrong medicines that suppressed the effect of antibiotics. It was evident as she developed oedema and swelling as soon as she took the medicines.

Strangely, it was also alleged that the doctor didn’t display his name and qualification anywhere, which was against the law!

The Commission may have found this slightly funny as they shot down the allegation stating that not displaying the qualification didn’t amount to negligence. The Commission observed that the doctor who treated her testified that the medicines prescribed by Dr. Awasthy were correct and injection Taxim is indeed prescribed for space infections. This was evidence enough for the Commission to rule that the doctors Premkumar and Awasthy were not guilty.

Source: Order pronounced by State Disputes Consumer Redressal Commission, Kerala on 11th July, 2017

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